Raleigh RT505LE 1994 VS Torelli NITO EXPRESS (02) 1999 specs comparison

Raleigh RT505LE 1994 comparison online with competitors

Raleigh RT505LE

General Infos
Model RT505LE
Manufacturer Raleigh
Year of production 1994
Current price Check price Here ==>   
Color choice -Not found
Sizes - 50
- 54
- 56
- 58
- 60
- 62
Sizes - 50
- 54
- 56
- 58
- 60
- 62

Wheels And Breaking System

Bike front tire700 X 23c Michelin Hi-Lite Comp
Bike rear tireNot Available
Bike wheel size700c Wheels
Brakeset type Levers
Shimano RX-100 Dual Pivot Brakes
Hubs for disc brakesShimano RX-100
Rims manufacturer 32-hole
Campagnolo Ga (millimeters)a Strada
Spoke nipples typeNot Available
Spoke wheelNot Available

Frame and Body Specs

Frame materialsEaston E-9 Main Triangle
Frame typeBonded Aluminum
Handlebar constructionS.R. Modolo Bend Anatomic
Handlebar extenderNot Available
Handlebar stem detailsTIG-welded Chromoly
Headset sizeNot Available

Gearing Specifications

Bicycle chainShimano HG-70
Bottom bracket shell widthNot Available
Bottom bracket typeNot Available
Crankset parts and sizes 42/53 Teeth
Shimano RX-100
Gear shift leversShimano RX-100 STI Dual Control
Rear gear set 12 - 23 Teeth

Raleigh RT505LE Fork System Data

Derailleur (Front)Shimano RX-100
Derailleur (Rear)Shimano RX-100
Fork materialNot Available
Fork type TIG-welded

Other Specs of Raleigh RT505LE

Component group setsShimano RX-100 STI
Pedals detailsShimano 105
Rear shock absorberNot Available
Saddle seatSelle San Marco Concor Lite
Seat post extensionAlloy Micro-adjust

Torelli Nito Express (02) 1999 comparison online with competitors

Torelli Nito Express (02)

General Infos
Model Nito Express (02)
Manufacturer Torelli
Year of production 1999
Current price Check price Here ==>   
Color choice - Burgundy
- Champagne
- Flame Orange
- Green
- Metallic Blue
- Metallic Silver
- Molteni Orange
- Red
- Ultraviolet
Sizes - 48cm (centimeters)
- 50cm (centimeters)
- 52cm (centimeters)
- 54cm (centimeters)
- 55cm (centimeters)
- 56cm (centimeters)
- 57cm (centimeters)
- 58cm (centimeters)
- 60cm (centimeters)
- 62cm (centimeters)

Wheels And Breaking System

Bike front tireTorelli TDF
Bike rear tireNot Available
Bike wheel sizeOptional Wheels
Brakeset type Campagnolo Chorus Levers
Campagnolo Chorus Dual Pivot Brakes
Hubs for disc brakesCampagnolo Chorus
Rims manufacturerTorelli Master T-3 Hard-ano
Spoke nipples typeBrass Nipples
Spoke wheel 2.0 (millimeters) Straight Gauge
Wheelsmith Stainless Steel

Frame and Body Specs

Frame materialsColumbus EL OS
Frame typeLugged
Handlebar constructionModolo Q-Race
Handlebar extenderNot Available
Handlebar stem detailsModolo Q-Race
Headset size1 (inches) Campagnolo Chorus

Gearing Specifications

Bicycle chain 1/2 X 3/32 (inches)
Campagnolo Chorus
Bottom bracket shell width70 (millimeters) Italian
Bottom bracket typeCampagnolo Chorus
Crankset parts and sizesCampagnolo Chorus
Gear shift leversCampagnolo Chorus Ergo
Rear gear set Optional Of Gearing

Torelli Nito Express (02) Fork System Data

Derailleur (Front) Bottom-pull and braze-on
Campagnolo Chorus
Derailleur (Rear)Campagnolo Chorus
Fork material Sloping Crown
Columbus EL OS
Fork typeTorelli

Other Specs of Torelli Nito Express (02)

Component group setsCampagnolo Chorus
Pedals detailsOptional
Rear shock absorberNot Available
Saddle seat Chromoly Rails
Torelli Valore
Seat post extension 27.2 (millimeters) Diameter
Selle San Marco

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